The Blurb:
Raina loved performing
upon the London stage, but one night she found herself dancing for only
HIM. She froze, and looked to the balcony where the gaslights flickered
dimly over his shadowy form. If only she had known that this beautiful
monster would soon rip her away from everything in the world SHE EVER
LOVED, perhaps she wouldn't have lingered so long.
Lord Marcus Loxley loved being a blood thirsty predator, but one night his gallivanting brought him to his knees in front of HER. If only he had known what would happen when she danced, that she would remind him of someone who was everything in the world HE EVER LOVED, perhaps he would have turned away.
As he drags her deeper and deeper into his depraved world of torture and violence, she begins fighting her own darkness that threatens to consume her everyday. And oh, how it begs to be released. And though she knows it's wrong, she desires her captor anyway.
Until she begins falling for someone else...
Meanwhile, prostitutes are being butchered in the streets and she begins to fear: Is her dark lover, the one she is bound to, The Ripper?
Lord Marcus Loxley loved being a blood thirsty predator, but one night his gallivanting brought him to his knees in front of HER. If only he had known what would happen when she danced, that she would remind him of someone who was everything in the world HE EVER LOVED, perhaps he would have turned away.
As he drags her deeper and deeper into his depraved world of torture and violence, she begins fighting her own darkness that threatens to consume her everyday. And oh, how it begs to be released. And though she knows it's wrong, she desires her captor anyway.
Until she begins falling for someone else...
Meanwhile, prostitutes are being butchered in the streets and she begins to fear: Is her dark lover, the one she is bound to, The Ripper?
Vampires, sexy times, and Jack the Ripper in the background slashing through London. What a ride!
First of all, I love that this story jumps right into the story without spending 100 years setting the scene as some historical novels do. From the moment go, we are introduced to Marcus as he enquires about Raina dancing on stage. He fancies her because she reminds him of his dead wife. So he promptly goes out into an alley to rape and murder a woman that he initially mistook for her, because vampire.

Yup, I can tell this will be a love for the ages.
”He growls into my face, ‘If you ever try leaving me I will kill your family, your friends and anyone else who happens to be around. And ever so slowly, my love.’”

Can you feel the love tonightttttt
I love the dialogue, it’s snarky and witty and…not quite how I picture the English speaking in 1888:
“Wow!” Giggles burst out of me. “You slutty boy!
“I wouldn’t. Being a raging hell bitch isn’t your fault. Or is it?”

But then, vampires aren’t real, either (ie: who am I to be such a nitpicking bitch). That being said-I think the dialogue is what transforms this story from supernatural bodice ripper to a level above. I devoured this book because, despite the ton era and its alien traditions that I have almost zero knowledge of, the characters kept me in my comfort zone by relating to the world around them in a way I could understand and chuckle along with.
I also like the empowering vibe that carries through the book. Getting a glimpse into the way Raina’s mind works, especially when she becomes violent, is at times…understandable? Because let's be honest: Marcus is a rapist and a monster, even if he does love her. Raina's willingness to draw her lines in the sand are comforting, given all that's happening and the bloodlust within her. There’s a scene in-particular where she intervenes as a woman is about to be raped. She viciously taunts and plays with the attacker, before murdering him in cold blood.
“Still, it tasted especially nice, to drink from that young monster and I feel...just fine.” And I reader, I too felt just fine about it.

As Raina continues to develop into her new life with Marcus, Jack the Ripper carries out his carnage on the East End in the background. Kudos to one of the absolutely surreal scenes where Raina and Marcus stumbling onto one of his victims, only to marvel at his handiwork/become concerned the people may ascribe the killings to them. The historical details, the fact that amidst this story of a couple of killers we see the work of a very real and prolific serial killer, it really adds some extra umphh.
Rabbiosi writes her characters in a way that humanizes the monsters and simultaneously demonizes some of the humans. There are times where the evils of the two blend seamlessly together, reminding us that (supernatural abilities aside) humans and vampires are often on equal footing when it comes to their potential for committing atrocities. :::cough:::Jacqueline:::cough:::

OMG just die, please.
The way the book ends is so incredibly satisfying and yet…I wish it was more drawn out. You’ll understand when you read it. Also, there is a sequel coming out. Looking forward to it!
First of all, I love that this story jumps right into the story without spending 100 years setting the scene as some historical novels do. From the moment go, we are introduced to Marcus as he enquires about Raina dancing on stage. He fancies her because she reminds him of his dead wife. So he promptly goes out into an alley to rape and murder a woman that he initially mistook for her, because vampire.

Yup, I can tell this will be a love for the ages.
”He growls into my face, ‘If you ever try leaving me I will kill your family, your friends and anyone else who happens to be around. And ever so slowly, my love.’”

Can you feel the love tonightttttt
I love the dialogue, it’s snarky and witty and…not quite how I picture the English speaking in 1888:
“Wow!” Giggles burst out of me. “You slutty boy!
“I wouldn’t. Being a raging hell bitch isn’t your fault. Or is it?”

But then, vampires aren’t real, either (ie: who am I to be such a nitpicking bitch). That being said-I think the dialogue is what transforms this story from supernatural bodice ripper to a level above. I devoured this book because, despite the ton era and its alien traditions that I have almost zero knowledge of, the characters kept me in my comfort zone by relating to the world around them in a way I could understand and chuckle along with.
I also like the empowering vibe that carries through the book. Getting a glimpse into the way Raina’s mind works, especially when she becomes violent, is at times…understandable? Because let's be honest: Marcus is a rapist and a monster, even if he does love her. Raina's willingness to draw her lines in the sand are comforting, given all that's happening and the bloodlust within her. There’s a scene in-particular where she intervenes as a woman is about to be raped. She viciously taunts and plays with the attacker, before murdering him in cold blood.
“Still, it tasted especially nice, to drink from that young monster and I feel...just fine.” And I reader, I too felt just fine about it.

As Raina continues to develop into her new life with Marcus, Jack the Ripper carries out his carnage on the East End in the background. Kudos to one of the absolutely surreal scenes where Raina and Marcus stumbling onto one of his victims, only to marvel at his handiwork/become concerned the people may ascribe the killings to them. The historical details, the fact that amidst this story of a couple of killers we see the work of a very real and prolific serial killer, it really adds some extra umphh.
Rabbiosi writes her characters in a way that humanizes the monsters and simultaneously demonizes some of the humans. There are times where the evils of the two blend seamlessly together, reminding us that (supernatural abilities aside) humans and vampires are often on equal footing when it comes to their potential for committing atrocities. :::cough:::Jacqueline:::cough:::

OMG just die, please.
The way the book ends is so incredibly satisfying and yet…I wish it was more drawn out. You’ll understand when you read it. Also, there is a sequel coming out. Looking forward to it!
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